Members of the Buffalo Implant Group include individuals of all ages with hearing loss, family/friends, and related professionals such as Speech-Language Pathologist, Audiologists and Teachers of the Deaf. Those with hearing loss are typically actively utilizing or considering some form of amplification or combination (hearing aid(s), cochlear implant(s) and/or bone anchored solution(s) to improve their access to sound and quality of communication and interactions. Board members volunteer their time and meet regularly to facilitate general meetings and social opportunities, produce/distribute newsletters, plan a yearly summer picnic, coordinate fundraising efforts, and offer scholarships to college bound high school graduates. If you are interested in learning more, please contact us!
Officers and Board Members
Sue Wantuck President
Margie Fitchlee Vice President
Lisa Hill Nowicki Treasurer
Melissa Burroughs Secretary
Gail Cronin Newsletter Editor
Gloria Matthews Social Media Manager
Tracy Balon Community Outreach Coordinator
Karen Ward Corresponding Secretary
Sister Dorothy Feltz Raffle Coordinator
Joe Kolis Picnic Coordinator
Kathy Danahy Board Member, Scholarship Committee
Joanne Mayers Board Member
Will Licata Web Administrator
Click here to see the Officer Duties